martes, 5 de junio de 2012

Peruvian Cajon:_ a box with sound

I really love learning to play instruments, when I was at school I used to sing too, singing is an instrument too, but I remember that my music teacher used to use a piano to teach the class and the sound was amazing. When I started secundary I couldn't go to music class to sing but I started to play cajon peruano

Peruvian cajon is  a box-shaped percussion instrument since the late 18th century. The cajon has been played in a variety of ways, according to the influences it has been under over time.When I started learning this , it was so hard , firstly because it was the first instrument that I learnt and then because some peruvian songs are so fast , but I enjoyed it , it is a shame I haven't any pics about presentations we had at school or in other places. When you are playing cajon it is like dancing sitting there , because your hands are touching there and your arms move to the beat of music. Amazing sensation ! 

Do you like playing instruments ? which one? 

lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

Urban Art

What do you think about urban art in streets ?

In Peru it is common to see walls painted with graffiti and many paintings. Some of them are really good, as if done by a professional painter. I remember going to a conference of art the last Year in the Christian church, which I attend, and a guy showed us some of your art, very creative indeed, and I said to myself :  I really want to have this talent , Im a bad drawing so It is just a wish. Today I was surfing on internet and looking some of those paintings I found good paintings that I wanna share with you.

miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Adagio, Bach, Violin Sonata No 1 G Moll

I wanna share this sonata by Bach , I really love it . Hope you enjoy it :D
  Do you like clasical music ? which one ?

Destiny or Coincidence

Have you ever wondered why certain situations occur? I'm asking all the time. I believe that God has written our destiny, He knows what will happen to us later, tomorrow or in 10 years. But he lets us choose which decision to take or what to do when we find ourselves in a situation. Have you read the little prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry? There is a sentence that I like it says: I'm certain that we must always meet the person we were destined to meet ...I mean, this is true ??

Every day we met thousands of people in the street, what about those people we usually meet every day and do not know, that means that our fate to meet that person, crazy thing!

I believe that fate has many things, which perhaps are not ready yet but we should not be afraid of them, but we can learn from every situation or persons who meet in the future, I'm sure that having to meet these people not a mere coincidence.

Bloggers : Do you believe in destiny or coincidence?

martes, 29 de mayo de 2012

Nueva Experiencia

Todos hemos empezado algo nuevo este mes o este día, mientras iba de camino a la universidad no tenia idea en que crearía este blog, todo empezó en la clase de front office realmente estaba aburrida así que decidí navegar en la web, mientras buscaba alguna información empecé a leer algunos blogs que me parecieron interesante y me dije a mi misma porque no creo uno, así que aquí estoy en esta nueva experiencia compartiendo mi día a día y lo que mas me gusta hacer que es la música, el arte y cocina. Alguien empezó un nuevo blog hoy ? Me gustaría empezar escribiendo algo más hoy, pero mañana tengo un examen asi que debo ir a estudiar espero terminar rápido. Tengan un buen día todos :)