miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Destiny or Coincidence

Have you ever wondered why certain situations occur? I'm asking all the time. I believe that God has written our destiny, He knows what will happen to us later, tomorrow or in 10 years. But he lets us choose which decision to take or what to do when we find ourselves in a situation. Have you read the little prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry? There is a sentence that I like it says: I'm certain that we must always meet the person we were destined to meet ...I mean, this is true ??

Every day we met thousands of people in the street, what about those people we usually meet every day and do not know, that means that our fate to meet that person, crazy thing!

I believe that fate has many things, which perhaps are not ready yet but we should not be afraid of them, but we can learn from every situation or persons who meet in the future, I'm sure that having to meet these people not a mere coincidence.

Bloggers : Do you believe in destiny or coincidence?

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